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What are the classifications of automotive plastic moulds?

There are numerous ways to classify automotive plastic molds according to the different plastic corridor molding, and processing styles can be divided into the following orders. 


-Injection mold

The molding process is characterized by placing the plastic material in the heated barrel of the injection machine. The plastic is heated and molten, pushed by the injection machine’s screw or plunger, and enters the mold’s depression through the snoot and the mold’s pouring system, where the plastic is isolated, pressurized, cooled, and cured. Since the heating and pressurizing device can serve in stages, injection molding can shape complex plastic corridors and have high product effectiveness and quality. Thus, injection molding occupies a large proportion of plastic corridor molding, and injection molds regard as further than half of plastic molding molds. The injection molding machine is substantially used to fester thermoplastics, but in recent times, it’s also gradationally used to mold thermosetting plastics. 

-Compression Mold 

Compression molds are also called contraction molds or pressed rubber molds. The molding process is characterized by adding the raw plastic material directly into the open earth depression, closing the earth, and filling the hole with certain pressure after the plastic is molten under heat and pressure. At this time, the molecular structure of the plastic produces a chemical cross-linking response and gradationally hardens and sets the shape. Compression earth is substantially used for thermosetting plastics, and its moldered plastic corridor is used primarily for the shell of electrical switches and diurnal musts. 

– Transfer mode 

Transfer earth is also known as injection molding or extrusion earth. The molding process involves adding plastic raw accouterments into the preheated feeding chamber and also applying pressure to the plastic raw accouterments in the feeding chamber by the pressure column. The plastic is melted under high temperature and high pressure and enters the depression through the casting system of the earth. Also, The chemical cross-linking response occurs, and gradationally solidifies into shape. The transfer molding process is substantially used for thermosetting plastics, which can fester plastic corridors with complex shapes. 


-Extrusion Die 

The extrusion bones are also called the extrusion head. These bones can continuously produce plastics with the same cross-sectional shape, similar to plastic pipes, rods, wastes, etc. The extruder is hotted and pressurized by the same device as the injection machine. The plastic in the molten state passes through the head to form a nonstop inflow of moldered plastic corridor, and the product effectiveness is exceptionally high. 


In addition to the types of plastic molds listed over, there are also vacuum molding molds, compressed air molds, blow molding molds, low-froth plastic molds, etc.

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