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Which three accessories will generate temperature in the high-speed vertical injection molding machine?

The production process of high-speed vertical injection molding machines is highly intricate.

In the manufacturing process, there are several temperatures that require attention as they greatly influence the product’s final form, making it a crucial factor.

The following temperatures should be monitored during the production process of high-speed vertical injection molding machines: plastic material temperature, oil temperature, and mold temperature.

During the production process of high-speed vertical injection molding machines, due to the continuous movement of the equipment, the hydraulic oil within the machine experiences friction, generating increasing amounts of heat and elevating the oil temperature.

Therefore, it is essential to regularly check the oil temperature during production to ensure it remains at a normal temperature of around -45°C.

If the oil temperature is too low or too high, it can affect the transmission of pressure in the system, thereby impeding normal production.

The temperature of the plastic material, also known as barrel temperature, is another crucial consideration that depends on the specific material used and the requirements of the product.

In the production process of high-speed vertical injection molding machines, the material temperature varies according to the production needs and must be adjusted promptly.

However, it should not exceed the temperature specified by the standards.

Additionally, the cycle and material need to be taken into account.

Mold temperature is also a vital reference temperature and parameter in the production of high-speed vertical injection molding machines.

The mold temperature significantly affects the product’s final form and whether it meets the required standards.

Therefore, when setting the mold temperature, it is important to consider product-related factors, not just temperature requirements.

This ensures the smooth progression of each process and maintains a high rate of product standard compliance.

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