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The Motor in the Vertical Injection Molding Machine

How to adjust the drive motor?

Mold adjustment drive motor: The following types of mold adjustment motors are available: There are two modes 1 is hydraulic: and hydraulic drive. 2 is electric: and electric drive.

Limit switch mode: The mode of limit switch in mold adjustment. Normally closed: If the end position is reached, the limit switch is off and returns to 0V. Normally open: If the end position is reached, the limit switch is on and returns to 24V.

Safety Gate Front Safety Gate Monitor Time: This option is only valid if two digital input points (DI Safety Gate Open and DI Safety Gate Close) are on the front safety gate. If both inputs have the same status within the time set by this option, the alarm “Safety door damaged” will be activated. This alarm can only be cleared in one of the following ways: by closing the safety door normally and opening it normally once.

Motor with delay and overload

Motor Y-start time: Set the star-start duration for the vertical turntable injection molding machine in the star-delta start mode. Motor ▷ start delay time: Set the time between the end of star-start and the start of delta start. Motor overload mode: Set the motor overload signal mode (normally open/normally closed).

Allow opening the safety door after semi-automatic injection: Whether the motor is set to allow opening the front safety door after the injection action is completed in the semi-automatic state.

Oil filter mode: motor depends on the sensor type. This mode defines when the oil filter alarm is triggered (rising or falling edge).

Oil Filter Monitoring Time: Sets the oil filter detection time. If an oil filter error occurs within this detection time, the oil filter alarm is triggered based on the oil filter mode.

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