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Basic knowledge of vertical injection molding machine

How does the vertical single-slide injection molding machine neutron in/out operate?

In/Out: The vertical single-slide injection molding machine is in the computer to display whether the neutron is out of place or in place. There are the following modes: 

Counting: The neutron relies on the number of teeth to judge the in and out in-place status.

Time: the neutron relies on the actual time to judge the in and out in place state. Limit switch: The neutron relies on the limit switch to judge the in and out in place status. Pressure: The pressure of the action. Flow rate: The flow rate of the action.

Actual position (neutron in): The vertical single-slide injection molding machine neutron after the template reaches the set position. This is only valid in the mode selection for mold closing. Actual position (neutron out): Neutron out after the template reaches the set position, valid only in the mode selection for open mold.

How to set the ejector pin of a vertical slide injection molding machine in general?

Ejector deviation value: the deviation value of the actual ejector zero position from the mechanical zero position in the vertical slide injection molding machine setting.

Ejector zero position: Activating this option will make the current ejector position ejector zero position.

Ejector opening linkage: Activating this option for a vertical slide injection molding machine will make the ejector linkage when opening the mold. Suppose the system is equipped with only one pump. In that case, the ejector and the template will share the pressure and flow of one pump, and only when the mold opening action is executed the ejector action will follow the execution; if the system has two pumps.

How to adjust the smoothness of the mold opening of the vertical injection molding machine?

End of mold opening section professional vertical injection molding machine (the last section of mold opening) This section is usually set with a lower flow rate to reduce the inertia shock when the mold stops.

The end of the mold opening section is set with a shorter stroke to shorten the opening action time.

Adjustment of the smoothness of the action of mold opening completion: To achieve fast and smooth movement of the mechanical action of a professional vertical injection molding machine, in addition to setting proper flow and pressure for each section of the action, the following parameters can be adjusted to obtain better results.

Percentage slope adjustment: In the action setting curve page of the professional vertical injection molding machine, by adjusting the “start,” “middle,” and “end” slope of the action, change the flow rate of each section when it changes. Up or down speed can be adjusted to make the action softer or faster.

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